As a rule, I do everything to the best of my ability. It’s always been that way. Test coming up in school? I study.
Running a race? I train. Joining the Peace Corps? All over it.
Bring it on. A+.
Unfortunately, there is no playbook for being a PCV. Everyone has to figure out their service on
their own, depending on the unique conditions at their site. It’s taken me the better half of the past two
years to figure out what my job here in Teyel really is – that is, what administration
wants me to do, what my village wants me to do, and what other volunteers want
me to do. Here it is:
ADMIN wants me to have a Volunteer Reporting Form full of indicators and
objectives, clearly sorted on standardized forms. They want volunteers to hold formal trainings
regularly and to fastidiously take attendance.
They want every interaction the volunteer has with their community to be spent
educating and facilitating behavior change – and of course, all of it must be
recorded, saved, compiled, organized, and submitted in a timely matter. I love doing this kind of work – it makes me
feel valuable and important.
VILLAGE literally wants me to sit, drink tea, and speak Pulaar with them all
day. This is not to build relationships with which to do further work: this is the work. I am supposed to learn deep Pulaar
vocabulary and proverbs until I can listen and speak fluently. When I return home to America, I’m supposed
to teach all of my family and friends Pulaar, too. Then we will all come to Senegal, sit, drink
tea, and speak Pulaar all day. I love
doing this kind of work – it makes me feel appreciated, integrated, at home, and welcome.
VOLUNTEERS want other volunteers to never miss a party, trip, or informal
get-together. They should always be
available to meet up for breakfast or lunch if work brings them near each
other. They should visit other volunteers frequently and be visited at their
own sites as well. They should always answer
the phone for each other to talk through
whatever crises might be happening.
These volunteer:volunteer connections are valuable and should not be trivialized. I love my host sisters, but they’re not going
to be bridesmaids at my wedding. I love
my host dad, but an illiterate Pulaar millet farmer doesn’t make the best job
reference once I return to the 'real world'. My favorite boutique owner
can’t meet up with me at a Minneapolis bar 10 years from now and reminisce over
the good times in Peace Corps. Like moringa trees in Sehel soil, PCV friendships need to be
fertilized and nurtured or they won’t survive.
I love doing this kind of work – it makes me feel happy (lame vocabulary word, but true.)
For a long time, I struggled to find the perfect position in
this triangle, to be the perfect volunteer. My worker-bee brain knew that if I just kept trying, I would
eventually find the place where everyone would be pleased with me.
Then I learned.
Eventually, we all learn.
We can’t win.
No matter how much we throw ourselves, heart and soul, into one vertex of the triangle, how perfectly we do one of our jobs, the other 2/3 of the triangle is dissatisfied.
If we try to keep a neutral position in the middle, everyone’s dissatisfied.
Soon after we realize this, something interesting happens.
We stop giving a shit.
This is freeing.
This is where I'm at right now. So, here's what Kadiatou Sabaly has been up to for the past month or so, and whether it satisfies her "job requirements" or not.
Then I learned.
Eventually, we all learn.
We can’t win.
No matter how much we throw ourselves, heart and soul, into one vertex of the triangle, how perfectly we do one of our jobs, the other 2/3 of the triangle is dissatisfied.
If we try to keep a neutral position in the middle, everyone’s dissatisfied.
Soon after we realize this, something interesting happens.
We stop giving a shit.
This is freeing.
This is where I'm at right now. So, here's what Kadiatou Sabaly has been up to for the past month or so, and whether it satisfies her "job requirements" or not.

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SITE VISITS: I hosted three overnight guests in the past month.
What’s their deal:
University student from Michigan spending a semester in Dakar. His program sent him and all the other American
students to rural visits for four days so they can understand this diverse
country better.
PCV doing an ambitious photo project (
PCV just passing through to see if my village is as great as I say it
is. (It is.)
What’d we do:
The best day, we followed my two favorite 12-year-old boys around.
Looked for baboons
Tried to catch minnows bare-handed
Went to the herd to milk cows. Drank the milk
so we didn’t have to share.
Grilled corn at their secret hang-out place in
the woods
Played soccer
She took literally hundreds of photos and I tried to not look gross. Look at her website when the photos are
posted to see if my endeavors were successful.
Hung out and talked. Did a pen
pal project at my middle school.
Watched the first half of Thor with my family. Dazzled everyone with her incredible Pulaar
and general congeniality.
We had a party to welcome the new volunteers into Kolda, then another party to send the old volunteers away, then another party because it was Halloween and why not.
SO, what does all of this add up to? A happy Kadiatou Sabaly, being the best Kadiatou she can be, making the most of this strange job she's in...and also, apparently, talking about herself in the 3rd person.
I only worry that because I've been focusing so hard on being Kadiatou, I've forgotten how to be Barbara, and when I return home in only five months (!), no longer able to hide inside the skin of my alter ego, I'm going to struggle to reclaim Barbara's place in the world. Please be patient with me if this proves to be the case.
Until next time!
I only worry that because I've been focusing so hard on being Kadiatou, I've forgotten how to be Barbara, and when I return home in only five months (!), no longer able to hide inside the skin of my alter ego, I'm going to struggle to reclaim Barbara's place in the world. Please be patient with me if this proves to be the case.
Until next time!